

Rear-End Collision

One of the most common types of automobile accidents in the United States is the classic rear end collision.  These accidents occur when the front end of one car hits the rear end of another.  This type of collision is often times referred to as a “whiplash accident” because a whiplash-type of spinal injury is a very common injury resulting from this type of accident.   The severity of rear end collisions ranges from very minor to potentially deadly.  Even at a low speed, rear end collisions can cause enduring spinal injuries that leave the victim feeling still and sore.  When a driver is “rear-ended,” all of the energy from the rear end of the car is transferred to the front of the car, which, in turn, results in a sudden and powerful jolt.  The torsos of the occupants of the “rear-ended” car are thrown forward by the jolt, but sometimes, the occupants’ heads stay stationary when not firmly pressed against a headrest.  As the “rear-ended” car comes to a stop, the occupants’ heads are then thrown forward.  This quick sequence of events can lead to whiplash and other serious spinal injuries.

     Careless, inattentive, or distracted driving often times results in rear end accidents.  A rear end collision can occur if the driver takes his or her mind or eyes off of the road, even for just a few seconds.  Additionally, a sudden stop, which may catch the driver off guard, can also result in this type of crash.  According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, distracting behaviors, such as eating or drinking, programing navigation systems, changing radio stations, talking on the phone, and sending text messages leads not only to rear end collisions, but oftentimes to head on or side collisions as well.

     Florida law presumes that the car doing the “rear-ending” is usually at fault in a rear end accident.  However, like with most legal doctrines, there are always exceptions to the rule.  For instance, if the car that was rear-ended was the car creating the hazardous situation, and it was impossible to avoid, then the “rear-ending” car may not be legally responsible for the accident. 

     Even if you were at fault in an accident, you may still be entitled to compensation for health care benefits due to the fact that Florida law requires that all automobile insurance policies carry a minimum amount of “no-fault” insurance for reasonable and necessary medical expenses.  This statewide requirement was put in place to ensure that those injured in car accidents could seek proper medical care, regardless of who is at fault for the accident.

     If you were injured in a rear end collision, let Del Amo Law zealously represent you.  We will work with you to get the best results possible.   If you or someone you know recently suffered a pedestrian-vehicle accident, take the initiative and call us at Del Amo Law.  You can reach our office at 305-443-7005 or toll-free at 888-447-7005.

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