Carlos Del Amo

Carlos Del Amo


The deadliest hurricane in U.S. history struck Texas in 1900 and resulted in an estimated 11,000 deaths. Since 1851, the top three states for hurricane landfalls are Florida (114), Texas (63), and Louisiana (54), according to data from the Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory in Miami. Hurricane Sandy caused 8.5 million power outages across 21 states, the highest outage total ever.

Here in South Florida, we go through a yearly ritual; we call the preparedness phase. We do the things necessary to be ready if a hurricane hit us. Most people take this very seriously and prepare; some decide the chances of being hit are minimal and ignore all warnings. This article is meant to help both kinds of people during these difficult times.
This year is like no other; we must prepare for hurricane season during the COVID-19 pandemic. As you continue to take precautions to keep yourself and your family safe from the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, it is essential to stay prepared for other disasters. Hurricane season began on June 1, and the time to prepare is now. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) makes several recommendations for preparing for Hurricane season during the pandemic.

It is always a great idea to have a plan of action just in case we are hit with a hurricane. You should know if you will ride it out at home or if you need to go to a shelter, for example. If staying at home, there are guidelines that you should follow regarding how much provisions like water, non-perishable items, etc. to store per the number of members in your household to keep you afloat until essential services can be restored. We have provided a list on our hurricane preparedness page to help. You can also go to as a great resource to help you prepare for a plan of action just in case. Our page has a great list for a preparedness kit that you can use in the eventuality of a major storm.
Preparation is the best protection against the dangers of a hurricane. Part of this yearly preparedness ritual is to make checklists. The American Red Cross has prepared a Hurricane Safety Checklist. Disaster_Recovery/Disaster_Preparedness/Hurricane/Hurricane.pdf.

The Florida Division of Emergency Management provides a disaster supply kit checklist for essential supplies needed to weather the storm.

FEMA provides 2020 Hurricane Preparedness Tips that includes making a plan, making a kit, and checking your insurance coverage.

FEMA recommends you check your insurance and make sure you have appropriate coverage for all possible outcomes after the storm passes. One of the more essential coverages to have is flood insurance if you live close to any designated flood zone. Although mostly in coastal regions, it’s not always so. You can check the FEMA FLOOD MAP to see if you are in an area designated as prone to flooding.
Remember the old saying “a pound of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” prepare and you will be ready. We have a lot going on now with COVID-19, a hurricane will make matters that much worse. Your insurance carrier may try to short change you. Call us; we will take it from there. You already have enough on your plate without having to worry about insurance companies trying to help their bottom line at your expense. Rest assured, we will fight for you. Above all, please be safe!
Additional Sources:

Disclaimer: This blog is not intended to provide legal, financial, or emotional advice or suggest any particular outcome. The article is for informational purposes only. Each case will differ factually, and the law may have changed since this blog was published. The reader considering legal action should consult with an experienced lawyer to understand the law and how the individual facts may affect his or her case. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this blog at the time it was written.

ABOUT THE AUTHORS: Attorneys at Carlos del Amo, P.A. (Delamolaw)

Delamolaw specializes in insurance claims and hurricane cases. We are passionate about helping you recover the compensation you deserve. If your insurance company denies your claim, or if the insurance company wants to pay less, we are here to help. The insurance company’s priority is the shareholders. You are ours. The insurance company has their lawyers; you should have one too.

We offer you the services of professionals who benefit from an excellent standing in the legal community, high legal ability, and ethical standards. We are litigators; the opposing side knows we are ready to fight to the end. Our extensive experience has shown that the only way to maximize results for our clients is to be ready to go the full distance.

We treat you with respect. The attorney who handles your case will be the first person you meet, and the last person you see after the case ends. We begin each representation by making a full detailed analysis of the factual and legal issues of each case. We are ready to listen and address your concerns. We give you the respect, time, and effort you and your case deserves. We are honored that our clients have placed their trust in us and hope you will honor us also. We want to help you. Please contact us for a free initial consultation. You have nothing to lose; you will gain peace of mind.

We at DELAMOLAW are ready to help you in any legal matters. For specific comment or additional questions, legal advice, or to learn more about us, please contact us @, Phone (305) 443-7005, Fax (305) 443-2238

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