Paralysis is a devastating injury. Those injured must cope with an entirely new life. Paralyzed individuals usually cannot work in the same capacity as they did before their injury, and they oftentimes face overwhelming and ongoing medical expenses as well as physical and emotional distress.
Paralysis can be described as the loss of muscle function that occurs when a person’s brain cannot properly transmit messages to one or more parts of the body. Paralysis can be complete or partial, and it can occur on one side of the body or it can occur on both sides of the body. Paraplegia is a paralysis of the lower half of the body, and includes both legs. Quadriplegia is a paralysis of the entire body from the neck down.
Two of the most common causes of paralysis are stroke and spinal cord injuries. Spinal cord injuries usually result from impacts that fracture or dislocate the vertebrae. While most spinal cord injuries do not result in paralysis, when the injury to the spine causes enough vertebrae damage, certain nerves may lose their capacity to carry messages from the brain around the entire body. When a severe spinal cord injury occurs, the spinal cord cannot relay messages below the level of the injury, and the injured person will be paralyzed below that level. Serious spinal cord injuries, which can lead to paralysis, can result from big rig accidents, swimming pool accidents, workplace injuries, and motorcycle accidents, among many other accidents.
Those who have become paralyzed may be entitled to early disability income, worker’s compensation income, or income derived from a negligence cause of action. Del Amo Law can help individuals suffering from paralysis determine if any supplemental income is available to him or her. If you or someone you know recently became paralyzed, call us at Del Amo Law where our lawyers can speak with you about whether you could possibly be entitled to compensation for your injury. You can reach our office at 305-443-7005 or toll-free at 888-447-7005.